The Metropolitan Underwriting Discussion Group, Inc. is dedicated to the education of its members and the dissemination of information for the public benefit through:
1. Dissemination of medical knowledge and scientific advances as they relate to life and health insurance underwriting though educational programs, discussions, presentations of papers, meetings, workshops, and other techniques as may be effective in achieving this goal;
2. Compliance with the letter and spirit of all insurance legislation and regulations, particularly as they apply to risk classification, privacy and disclosure;
3. Making our members aware of the responsibilities to the public of those persons who practice or engage, directly or indirectly, in the process of life and health insurance underwriting;
4. Providing a forum for members of the underwriting profession to meet and exchange knowledge and experiences;
5. Avoidance of any underwriting action which is in conflict with the underwriter’s obligation to act independently and without bias at all times;
6. Maintaining the dignity and integrity and sound reputation of the Underwriting Profession;
7. Encouraging its individual member to participate in the programs of the Academy of Life Underwriting to increase their skill and obtain recognition of their achievements.