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MUD Conference 2020

Monday January 27, 2020

There will be four concurrent workshops.

Each workshop will be given twice
once at 2 p.m. and again at 3 p.m.




Clinical Genetics in the APS

Paul Quartararo M.D.
Vice President and Chief Medical Director
Retail Life – Insurance and Agency Group
New York Life


Dr. Paul Quartararo will discuss the implications of genetic testing that we receive in the APS, and the clinical significance of the tests.



Why the Fuss Over MGUS?

Steven L. Cooper, MD, DBIM.
AVP and Senior Medical Director
Lincoln Financial


This workshop will discuss MUGUS and Risk Progression to Multiple Myeloma.



Elixirs, Potions and Lotions: Underwriting Manipulations of Aging through Pharmaceuticals

Marianne E. Cumming, MSc, MD, DBIM, FALU, FAAIM
Chief Medical Director
Securian Financial Group


While aging beats the alternative, is the pursuit of healthy longevity really all good for us? This session will focus on current trends, knowledge and existing research relevant to the use of drugs and lifestyle measures to promote healthy aging. Join Dr. Cumming, a former pharmacist and pharmacologist turned insurance medicine physician, to discuss potential risks and benefits of the antiaging regimens we see at time of underwriting, and an approach to these challenging cases.


Don’t Ignore the Snore: Sleep Apnea - A review of Mortality Implications.

Dr. Jeffrey Henderson
Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
Medical Director
AXA Equitable Life


An informative session on sleep apnea highlighting the epidemiology, risk factors, symptoms, definitions and pathophysiology of both Central and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Special attention will focus on the differences between the diseases, including the definitions, testing, and treatment as well as the mortality implications of both diseases, particularly as they relate to the severity of OSA. The session will also review the underwriting considerations that should be taken into account when evaluating these disease processes.

Tuesday January 28, 2020

There will be four concurrent workshops.

Each workshop will be given twice
​once at 2 p.m. and again at 3 p.m.



Fifty for Fifty

Dave Rengachary MD, DBIM, FALU, FLMI
RGA Reinsurance Company


In recognition of MUD’s Fiftieth Anniversary join us for a whirlwind tour of fifty medical impairments! Topics were chosen for their timeliness due to improved outlook, recognition, and newly developed tools in risk prognostication. It is sure to be a rapid fire and engaging session.



Welcome to the Age of Diabetes and Cirrhosis Reversal

Elyssa Del Valle, MD, DBIM
VP and Medical Director
RGA Reinsurance Company


Diabetes, NAFLD and Hepatitis C were all conditions that invariably were associated with end organ damage with shortened lifespans. In our current era, due to bariatric surgery, direct acting antiviral agents, Vitamin E and coffee (yes coffee!) we can either cure, reverse or halt progression of these conditions and expect good quality and normal lifespans. Join us for a comparative journey of then and now



Evidence Based Underwriting: The Origin and Meaning of Credits and Debits


John Iacovino M.D
Medical Director
Senior Consultant.
Fassano Associates

This workshop will discuss the origin of debits and credits, the Relationship of Debits to Life Expectancy and The use of Sequential probabilities in Risk Assessment. We will also address why do Medical Impairment Manuals Differ?



The Art and Science of Juvenile Underwriting and Claims

Daniel Zimmerman, MD
Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Director, GST
RGA Reinsurance Company

This workshop dives into the complexity of juvenile insurance products continues to grow globally. Dr. Zimmerman will discuss the challenges of product development, as well as juvenile underwriting and claims adjudication in this rapidly changing marketplace.


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